YES! In addition to brisk walk, regular workout is extremely important for well-being. Diet therapy in combination with Exercise is considered the “Magic Cure” for lifestyle diseases like Diabetes, Heart disease, Obesity, Hormonal Imbalances, and holistic health.
Walking is a cardio-vascular aerobic exercise which has good health outcomes but it is not a complete workout. Walking has tremendous benefits – improves immunity, heart health, insulin resistance, mood and energy. It impacts and tones mainly the muscles of the legs. WHO recommends at least 30 minutes walk at least 5-6 days a week. Only walking is NOT ENOUGH!
Weight training or resistance exercises in addition to walking, helps to build muscle mass and improves resting metabolism. Resistance exercises help to improve stamina, endurance and core strength too. It is necessary to maintain bone density and prevent degradation or loss of muscle related to aging. WHO recommends at least 2 days per week of muscle strengthening for all major muscle groups in the body.
Yoga postures and flexibility promotes mental health & emotional stability. It helps to channelise thoughts, conserve & improve energy and balances the emotions. Yoga techniques of breathwork has a profound effect on the oxygen capacity of our lungs and thereby calms & rejuvenates the whole body.
Regular Exercise should necessarily include a combination of Cardio, Weight training and Yoga for complete physical, mental and social well-being!